Honouring International Women's Day 2023: Research, Recognize, and Reimagine

Date and Time


Virtual and in-person (Peter Clark Hall, University Centre, University of Guelph)


We invite you to this FREE one-day hybrid format conference in honour of International Women's Day 2023! This conference will showcase interdisciplinary research related to challenges faced by women and girls, with a specific focus on underrepresented and marginalized folks. A light breakfast and hot lunch will be provided to those attending in-person.

The conference will include:

- Keynote Address & Discussion led by Dr. Marsha Hinds Marie

- Keynote Address & Discussion led by Shakiba Shayani

- Research by Graduate Students

- Feel & Heal Workshop by Kween

- Spoken Word Performance by Rima M. Hanna

Register here to attend in person or here to attend virtually. Check out the event program attached below.

File Attachments

PDF icon IWDC 2023 Program.pdf89.53 KB

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