Skills for Research Impact: Planning for Research Impact

Date and Time


Virtual - Register for Zoom link.

Banner announcing session name and details found in event listing


Knowledge mobilization 101! Become familiar with knowledge mobilization plans and conceptualize strategies adapted to your goals and audiences.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define "knowledge mobilization"
  • Identify why knowledge mobilization is important
  • Identify best practices for knowledge mobilization
  • Summarize the steps involved in knowledge mobilization planning
  • Compare and contrast End of Grant KT and Integrated KT
  • Apply the principles of knowledge mobilization to their research

This workshop will be led by Valerie Hruska, Knowledge Mobilization and Communications Coordinator, Research Innovation Office.

This workshop series is a collaboration between the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance and the Research Innovation Office at the University of Guelph. For more information, contact or visit the Skills for Research Impact page for a full listing of all series workshops.

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