Charity to Solidarity: Using a Justice Lens for Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Partnerships

Date and Time


Virtual event - register to receive link.

Event poster; displays event details and an image of a woman speaking to a room of seated folks.


The first session of the CETL & Critical Pedagogy Learning Circle will feature a presentation from Samantha Blostein, a staff member and former course instructor who will discuss her approaches to course-based community partnerships which facilitate meaningful learning for students while enacting social change from a justice lens. We will begin with a facilitated conversation with Samantha who will highlight various dimensions of CETL partnerships created through a 3rd-year International Development course entitled "Engaging in Development Practice".

Following insights from our presenter, the group will engage in a broader discussion about enacting critical community engaged scholarship in the context of course-based partnerships using a justice lens.

Session Presenter:

Samantha Blostein, Global Engagement Specialist, Community Engaged Scholarship Institute/Guelph Institute of Development Studies/College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Session Facilitator:

Lindsey Thomson, Manager, Community Engaged Learning, Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI)


The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) and CSAHS Teaching and Learning Excellence (TLE) Hub are excited to host this session as the first of a newly revived learning space called the Critical Pedagogy & Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Circle (Critical Pedagogy & CETL Circle).

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