Poster Exhibit: Innovative Research at CESI and CSAHS

Poster Exhibit: Innovative Research at CESI and CSAHS

This poster exhibit was displayed at the 10C community hub in downtown Guelph in February 2018. It features 10 innovative research projects conducted by researchers at the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) and College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS). Projects were selected by CESI and CSAHS Dean's Office and covered a variety of themes, including food waste, violence against women, sustainability, and civic issues (see below for a full list). Together, they provide a snapshot of the innovative research underway on a range of topics at both CESI and CSAHS. Posters are currently on display on the second floor of the MacDonald Institute.

View the exhibit: Innovative Research at CESI and CSAHS.

The exhibit included the following projects:

An image of the 10 innovative research posters hanging in the lobby of the 10C community hub in downtown Guelph.


Karen Nelson, Angela Annis, Kirby Calvert, Barbara Morrongiello, Carly Fraser, Leah Levac, Mavis Morton